Saturday, June 08, 2013

My Choices for the 12th Doctor

By: Heather Seebach So Matt Smith is stepping down, and evidently BBC will soon announced his replacement. Chances are, they will go with another young, unknown British actor, but I figured I'd share my choices (realistic or not) for the 12th Doctor. Be sure to tell me your thoughts (and your own suggestions)! Richard Coyle Richard became well-known to Brits as Jeff on Coupling, where he proved his funny bone was as strong as his acting chops. Coyle also has an "in" here because...

Friday, March 02, 2012

15 Funniest TV Lawyers

15. Alan Shore and Denny Crane, Boston Legal James Spader and William Shatner played these two quirky lawyers and womanizing best friends on Boston Legal. Alan was the brilliant but funny left-winger with a fear of clowns and a love of the ladies. Denny was the narcissistic Conservative who loved guns and saying his own name. Their head-butting was often great, especially when guns came into play: 14. Harvey Birdman, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law This titular character was often the straight man in a circus of hilarious supporting characters but Harvey could be seriously funny in a very dry, random way. Gary Cole voiced this superhero-turned-attorney who defended an array of Hannah Barbera...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

15 Most Romantic Moments on Doctor Who

Happy Valentine's Day, Whovians! Enjoy this list of the sweetest, most romantic, tearjerkiest moments from the last 6 seasons. And feel free to share your favorites! 15. Craig and Sophie Kiss, The Lodger Few shows can make you care about one-shot characters like Doctor Who does. Craig and Sophie are proof that the Doctor not only meddles in time and space but in human lives - usually for the better. He helps to bring these two lovelorn friends together and saves the world in the process - all in a day's work for our favorite Time Lord. 14. Kazran and Abigail reunite, A Christmas Carol It's hard to pinpoint just one moment as this entire Christmas special was just so romantic. But the ending...

Thursday, May 05, 2011

I started a new website!

Hey followers! I have started my own genre film/TV website dedicated to news, reviews, trailers, lists, editorials, and more. I'll rarely update this blog anymore, but if you want to continue to read my stuff (and please do!), come check out the site and follow it on Facebook. Thanks!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Top 10 Non-Pixar CG Animated Films

When it comes to computer-animated films, Pixar Animation Studios has dominated for over 15 years. Few others can match the quality of films like Toy Story and Up. But with 20th Century Fox’s Rio currently ruling the box office, and the Weinstein's Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil on the way, Pixar has not cornered the CG animation market completely. Here is a run-down of some of the best non-Pixar movies that have stood out amidst the hundreds of wannabes over the last the last decade.10. Bolt (2008)When...

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Film: Bridesmaids (2011) Dir: Paul Feig Rating: **** out of 5 The raucous, vulgar comedies of late (Superbad, The Hangover, etc.) have been a male-dominated subgenre – until now. Paul Feig’s Bridesmaids transcends the common chick flick and proves that women can play down and dirty too when it comes to comedy. Rounding up some of the funniest ladies out there right now, the film provides side-splitting laughs. Additionally, it is a solid, well-paced film with touching moments – think Knocked...

Monday, April 18, 2011

15 Great Horror Masks

Check out my list of the 15 greatest masks in horror: